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How to Set Smart Goal for 2013

2013 is a day away and it s time to hit the refresh button. Most of us will set new goals which will help set us off to a new direction for a new year.  Goals can be short term and long term. Short term goals are mile stones that help you reach your long term goal. This post focus on short term goal. One of the best way I learn to establish and reach a goal is to set smart goal that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.

Specific-  For instance, ' I want to draw better, ' is not specific enough. " I want to design 4 new characters by next month, and I will set aside 4 hours each day for this task," is more specific.
The more specific your goal is, the directions you ll be able to get to that goal. It 's like a mailing address, you need to have the address number, street name,city, state and zip code.  Put down what you want to accomplish, when you want to accomplish it by, and how you will do it.  The more detailed and specific your goal is the clearer the road towards it will be.

Measurable- I want three new robots designs for my portfolio in two weeks is good example of a goal you can measure. Quantity and a deadline are examples of measurable stats that give you a target to aim for. If you don't know where your target is, you will miss every shot. Being able to measure aspects of your goal allows you to track and manage your progress.

Attainable- The goal should be attainable within a specific period of time. I want to draw 4000 new design in the next week is quite outrageous. The goal should be challenging but at the same time is fitting to for you skill level and the time you have allotted yourself  to achieve it.

Realistic- Be honest with yourself and choose goals that will allow you to find success. Once you get a hang on the process of reaching a goal, then you can set out for more challenging goals and build upon your success. Don't try to bite more than you chew. Be patient, and start with baby steps. All of us learn to crawl before we learn to walk, don't try to run before you can walk.

Timely- Establish a goal with a deadline will give you a time frame you have to work within so you don't drag your feet.
