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04 tips to track your progress toward reaching your goal

Setting goal is quite easy, but reaching a goal can be quite daunting depending on how big your goal is. Once you have figure out what the outcomes you want, you have to reverse engineer and plan out a course of direction which act as a map to help you get from point A to point Z. The following are some safe guards to help you jump over hurdles in your path and help keep you on track and focus to reach your destination.

Milestones- you should have weekly checkpoints and review on your task and performance. You can break down larger task to smaller chunks.. For instance, you may say, " I want to design a new sci fi concept matte painting per week." The milestones for that task can be broken down to research, rough sketch or composition study, value block in, color study, collect photo textures, apply photo textures, adding finishing touches and so on. Then slowing chip away each little task everyday. By breaking down large task to smaller chunks will help you track micro progress that lead up to macro success. 

Trackable activity- you can establish the amount of hours each day you want to devote to a particular activity. You can set specific amount of drawings you want to accomplish each day and you can set how frequent you want to repeat the process per month. Being able to quantify your action give you visibility into where you are on the map in correspond to your destination. 

Sensory acuity- That is like a having a navigation system that help you sense your pathway and activity.  When you are lost, confused and stuck at something and not sure how to proceed, the sensory acuity will help guide you out of your rut and get you back on track. To sharpen that sensor require you to develop constant self-awareness and monitoring of your action and the results of those action. Keeping your sensory acuity sharpen will help you get back on the right track when your action takes you off the beaten path. 

Cultivate creativity- there are many ways to get to a goal and not every way will get you there or is it the best path to take. But no matter what, being able to think outside the box, and come up with a new ideas or solution to get over problems along your journey is a powerful weapon to have. Let's be honest, everyone will fail here and there. Michael Jordan got cut from his High School team, Thomas Edison didn't invented the light bulb on his first attempt and Steve Job was fired from Apple, the company he help created, at one point in his career. Every so called success story have a few failures along the way. When one door is shut on you, get your ass up and figure another way to get in. Try the chimney, or the backdoor, maybe the window. If you want to get crazy, go underground and dig your way back up or build your own place in this world. You get the drift. 


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