There has been some request for tutorial videos. I 'm glad that there is an interest in my work process, but I won't be doing one any time soon. For several reasons, and one is that there are already a plethora of great free tutorial contents on the web by amazing artists like Feng Zhu, Scott Robertson and Bobby Chui to name a few. Second, the core goal of this blog is to help direct you guys who are starting out to the right direction with useful information. Third, I also wanted this blog to focus not only on how improve artistically, but also to develop as a strong fountain skills as an individual.
I truly believe the stronger your foundation skills, the further you can go in your career and the happier you will be down the road. So what are foundation skills?
Foundation skills in a nutshell comes down to how you can efficiently utilize your mind and body and how the two can work together to produce peak performance.You are a biological organism composed of billions of cells that make you who you are. How your mind and body feel and operate are interconnected. The mind controls the body, but the mind is can be paralyze if the body is damage and sick. You can have the greatest mind in the world, but if your body is weak and sick, what use is there if you can barely get to of bed. In the other hand, you can have the most perfect body health, but you have a crappy mind, and don't know how to control your mental and emotional state, you are just as screwed. To really excel in anything you have to optimize your mind and body so you can perform at peak level.One of the goal of this blog is to help you get result fast by using different techniques and ways of thinking. And one way is to optimizing your mind and body to peak level so you can progress quicker in your creative development.In the next post, I will go into further details and give examples on how to sharpen and maintain your foundation skills.
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